Areca ARC-1231ML/1261ML/1280ML Benutzerhandbuch

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Controller I/O Port:F3000000h, F2: Select Controller, F10: Reboot System
ArrowKey Or AZ:Move Cursor, Enter: Select, ESC: Escape, L:Line Draw, X: Redraw
Areca Technology Corporation RAID Controller
Main Menu
Quick Volume/Raid Setup
Raid Set Function
Volume Set Function
Physical Drives
Raid System Function
Ethernet Configuration
View System Events
Clear Event Buffer
Hardware Monitor
System information
Volume Set Function
Volume Set Function
Create Volume Set
Delete Volume Set
Modify Volume Set
Check Volume Set
StopVolume Check
Display Volume Info.
Display Volume Info in Raid
Raid Set    #    01
Raid Set    #    00
Select Volume To Display
Volume Set    #    00
The Volume Set Information
Volume Set Name  :  Volume Set  #  00
Raid Set Name       :   Raid Set  #  00
Volume Capacity   :  160.1GB
Volume State         :   Migration
SCSI  CH/Id/Lun   :  0/0/0
RAID Level           :  6
Stripe Size              :  64K
Member Disk         :  4
Cache Attribute      :  Write-Back
Tag Queuing          :   Enabled
• Volume Growth
Use this option to expand a raid set when a disk is added to 
the system. The additional capacity can be used to enlarge the 
volume set size or to create another volume set. The “Modify 
Volume Set Function” can support the “volume set expansion” 
function. To expand the volume set capacity from the “Raid Set 
System Function”, move the cursor bar to the “Volume Set Vol-
ume Capacity” item and entry the capacity size. Select “Confirm 
The Operation” and select on the “Submit” button to complete 
the action. The volume set starts to expand.
To Expand an existing volume noticed:
 Only the last volume can expand capacity.
 When expand volume capacity, you can’t modify stripe size or  
   modify raid revel simultaneously.
 You can expand volume capacity, but can’t reduce volume    
   capacity size. 
For Greater 2TB expansion:
 If your system installed in the volume, don't expanded the  
   volume capacity greater 2TB, currently OS can’t support boot  
   up from a greater 2TB capacity device.
 Expanded over 2TB used LBA64 mode. Please make sure your  
   OS supports LBA 64 before expand it.