Citizen SR-270X Benutzerhandbuch

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File name : HDB0R100721_English_text_100426.doc 
version : 10/04/26 
Percentage calculation 
[ 2nd ] [ % ] divides the number in the display by 100. You can use 
this key sequence to calculate percentages, add-ons, discounts, and 
percentage ratios. See Example 12~13. 
Display notations 
The calculator has the following display notations for the display 
value. See Example 14. 
Fixed Decimal Point Notation 
To specify the number of decimal places, press [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] 
[ 6 ] and then a value indicating the number of places ( 0~9 ). Values 
are displayed rounded off to the place specified.   
Scientific Notation   
Scientific notation expresses numbers with one digit to the left of the 
decimal and the appropriate power of 10.   
To select scientific notation, press [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ 7 ], and then a 
value (0~9) to specify the number of decimal digits. Values are 
displayed rounded off to the place specified. 
Norm Notation 
Press [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ 8 ] and then select Norm1 (the default) or 
Norm2 to determine the range to display the result in 
non-exponential format (within the range) or in exponential format 
(out of the range). 
< 10 
< 10 
Engineering Notation 
Pressing [ ENG ] or [ 2nd ] [ 
eENG ] will cause the exponent display 
for the number being displayed to change in multiples of 3. 
Answer Function
Answer function stores the most recently calculated result. It is 
retained even after the power is turned off. Once a numeric value or 
numeric expression is entered and [ M+ ], [ 2nd
] [ M– ], [ RCL ], 
[ 2nd
] [ STO ] or [ = ] is pressed, the result is stored by this function. 
See Example 15. 
(Note) :  Even if execution of a calculation results in an error, 
however, Answer memory retains its current value. 
Scientific Function Calculations 
Use COMP ( [ MODE ] 1 ( COMP ) ) mode for scientific function 