WoodWing Smart Connection Pro Bundle UK 1 user P30E1C Benutzerhandbuch

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Smart Connection
 Enterprise 4
Adaptable to your specific needs
Smart  Connection  Enterprise  4 
relies on a three-tier architecture 
to ensure scalability and flexibility.  
All business logic is centralized on 
the application server. The database 
ensures document security, powerful 
meta data capabilities, and rapid 
document search-and-retrieval.
Complex environments 
If  you  have  a  more  demanding
workflow, need tighter security control
or  flexible  database  queries,  Smart
Connection  Enterprise  (SCE)  is  the
answer to your needs. It covers access
and user rights, and powerful queries
that  are  only  available  in  database-
driven environments.
-tier architecture
SCE’s  business  logic  is  located  on
the  application  server.  Scalability  is
guaranteed  as  the  application  server
can run on the database server, on a
separate  server,  or  even  on  multiple
servers if the environment is too large
to  handle  one  server.  The  client  is  a
traditional InDesign/InCopy setup with
all the benefits of the Smart Connection
Pro,  yet  it  also  supports  Photoshop
and Word.
Powerful queries
Finding documents in a flat-file database
or a file system may be hard if you have
lots of them or have specific criteria they
need to match. But databases like the
ones SCE supports are made for storing,
searching and retrieving items fast and
efficiently.  SCE  supports  both  stored,
predefined queries and free user queries.
It enables you to find documents based
on one or many criteria blazingly fast.
And  because  you  can  use  multiple
criteria  in  one  query,  you  can  find
exactly the document you need.
Free choice
You can opt for the standard solution
which supports the high-performance
MySQL  database  on  Windows  and
Mac OS X, and Microsoft SQL Server
on Windows or even Oracle and Sybase.
SCE comes with support for Apache or
Microsoft IIS web server. Third-parties
also  offer  SCE  integrated  solutions
for a variety of content management
Meta data
In  a  large  publishing  environment,
information  on  documents  is  of
paramount.  SCE  stores  extended
information and attributes on document
elements, including dates, modifier data,
comments,  authors  and  much  more.
There is also full support for the Adobe
Extensible  Metadata  platform,  XMP,
IPTC, EXIF and copyright management.