Lucent Technologies 9077 16S Benutzerhandbuch

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 October 22, 1999   
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
Configuring the SP Switch Router Adapter
Bringing the SP Switch Router Adapter card on-line with the SP
Bringing the SP Switch Router Adapter card on-line 
with the SP              
After the SP Switch Router Adapter media card completes initialization, its state machine 
enters the 
 state (6). The media card sends an up-trap request to mib2dmib2d 
sends the SP Switch manager a pair of 
) trap messages.          
The SP system administrator now decides which action is required to bring the IP router 
interface on-line. 
If the SP Switch Router Adapter was previously fenced from the switch network with the 
 option, the SP SNMP Manager will automatically unfence the adapter. Otherwise, 
the SP system administrator must perform one of the following actions to bring the SP Switch 
Router Adapter card on-line. Possible actions include:                 
- a switch initialization
- an unfencing sequence
- other switch management sequence
The appropriate action depends on what state the SP system is in with respect to the dependent 
node.  For example, if no Estart command has been issued to re-initialize the SP switch since 
the dependent node (the SP Switch Router Adapter) was installed, then an Estart command is 
needed. If the dependent node was fenced from the SP switch without the -autojoin option, 
then an Eunfence command is needed.
Many different states are possible. Consult the PSSP Installation and Migration Guide and the 
PSSP Administration Guide for descriptions of the administrative actions needed to bring 
extension nodes on-line (dependent nodes are specific types of extension nodes).  See the PSSP 
Diagnosis Guide” for information on diagnosing extension node configuration problems.
The SP Switch Router Adapter media card remains in 
 state until it is 
actually brought on line via a switch initialization or unfencing sequence. Should the 
 trap message not reach the SP SNMP Manager, use the grcard command to 
check the card’s readiness and state. The grcard command returns “running” if the card is 
ready to be brought on-line.     
Checking connectivity to the SP system           
The procedure in this section is useful when a problem is suspected with the SP Switch Router 
Adapter media card, its connection to the SP Switch, or its connection to the SP Switch Router 
hardware. This section is intended for hardware service personnel, although parts may be 
applicable to customer problem determination. 
Before beginning this procedure, it may be helpful to verify the configuration of the media 
adapter. Use the vi editor to determine whether proper or NULL parameters are set in the 
 file. You can also use the maint 3 command to view the parameters for a 
single card. 
If you are unable to find a configuration problem or are unable to correct the configuration due 
to potential hardware problems, the procedure should be used to check the connection to the 
SP switch. Each SP Switch Router Adapter media card is considered a dependent node for the