Netopia R3100 Benutzerhandbuch

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6-2  User’s Reference Guide
Note about screen differences. Netopia R3100 models offering different feature sets will have variations in 
the fields on cer tain screens. For example, there are switched (dial-up ISDN) and leased (Synchronous/Asyn-
chronous, T1, and IDSL) line models, as well as models that offer feature subsets such as AppleTalk, Smar tIP 
(Network Address Translation and DHCP) and Smar tPhone (Plain Old Telephone Ser vice). Your own console 
screens may look different from those illustrated in this manual.
The Easy Setup menus display and permit changing the values contained in the default Connection Profile 
you created when you ran the Smar tStar t Wizard for initial configuration. Experienced users can also use 
Easy Setup to initially configure the router directly through a console session without using Smar tStar t.
Easy Setup menus contain up to five descendant screens for viewing or altering these values. The number 
of screens depends on whether you have optional features installed.
The WAN Configuration menu displays and permits changing your Connection Profile(s), creating or 
deleting additional Connection Profiles, and configuring or reconfiguring the manner in which you may be 
using the router to connect to more than one ser vice provider or remote site.
The System Configuration menus display and permit changing:
Filter Sets (Firewalls). See 
IP Address Ser ving. See 
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). See 
Security. See 
Upgrade Feature Set. See 
Telephone Setup. See 
Logging. See 
The Utilities & Diagnostics menus provide a selection of seven tools for monitoring and diagnosing the 
router's behavior, as well as updating the firmware and rebooting the system. See 
The Statistics & Logs menus display nine sets of tables and device logs that show information about your 
router, your network and their histor y. See 
The Quick Menus screen is a shor tcut entr y point to many of the most commonly used configuration 
menus that are accessed through the other menu entr y points.
The Quick View menu displays at a glance current real-time operating information about your router. See 
Connecting through a Telnet session
Features of the Netopia R3100 may be configured through the console screens.