ZyXEL Communications P-793H Benutzerhandbuch

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Chapter 34 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance
P-793H User’s Guide
Figure 213   System Maintenance: Backup Configuration
The following screen indicates that the Xmodem download has started.
Figure 214   System Maintenance: Starting Xmodem Download Screen
Run the HyperTerminal program by clicking Transfer, then Receive File as shown in 
the following screen.
Figure 215   Backup Configuration Example
Type a location for storing the configuration file or click Browse to look for one.
Choose the Xmodem protocol.
Then click Receive.
After a successful backup you will see the following screen. Press any key to return to 
the SMT menu.
Figure 216   Successful Backup Confirmation Screen
34.4  Restore Configuration
This section shows you how to restore a previously saved configuration. Note that this 
function erases the current configuration before restoring a previous back up configuration; 
please do not attempt to restore unless you have a backup configuration file stored on disk.  
FTP is the preferred method for restoring your current computer configuration to your ZyXEL 
Device since FTP is faster. Please note that you must wait for the system to automatically 
restart after the file transfer is complete.
Ready to backup Configuration via Xmodem.
Do you want to continue (y/n):
You can enter ctrl-x to terminate operation any time.
Starting XMODEM download...
** Backup Configuration completed. OK.
### Hit any key to continue.###