HP HP-UX Mission Critical OE without System 1 CPU LTU B9093AC#HTC Merkblatt

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Instant Capacity Program
Instant Capacity Program
Instant Capacity Program
Instant Capacity Program
All Instant Capacity Customers must sign and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Instant Capacity Contract, which is an
addendum to the Customer's standard purchase agreement.
Customers must apply all Codewords as requested by HP.
No Instant Capacity component can be removed from the system/complex in which it was originally installed.
Instant Capacity Hardware
Instant Capacity Hardware
Instant Capacity Hardware
Instant Capacity Hardware
Instant Capacity hardware is supported on partitions running HP UX 11i and later or OpenVMS 8.3 and later only.
A partition must contain at least one active (non Instant Capacity) cell board.
Instant Capacity cell boards must be assigned to a partition.
Every active cell board must contain at least one active core and exclusively active memory (i.e. Instant Capacity memory is
not supported on active cell boards).
Instant Capacity cell boards contain exclusively Instant Capacity processors and Instant Capacity memory modules.
When activating an Instant Capacity cell board, all memory on the cell must also be activated.
Each active cell within a system requires at least one active core, so at minimum, the number of permanently active cores must
equal the number of active cells in the server. Therefore, activation of a cell may or may not require the purchase of
permanent usage rights for an additional processor core.
Each Instant Capacity processor core activated permanently via the purchase of a Right to Use requires the corresponding
purchase of licenses for the applicable HP UX or OpenVMS Operating Environment and any other per-core licensed software
installed in the partition. Hardware and software support must also be purchased and be identical to the support and OE on
the server in which the processors are installed.
When creating a new partition in the field, all components must be active (i.e., no Instant Capacity components can be
included when creating a new partition). New partition creation fails if any of the cell boards contain Instant Capacity
components. See the User's Guide for more details.
It is strongly recommended that all cells in a partition, both active and inactive, be configured identically and symmetrically.
It is strongly recommended that Configuration Guidelines for Superdome be followed when designing partition layout in order
to place iCAP cells in the optimal location on the backplane for performance and availability. Consult the Superdome
subchapter of this guide for more details.
Temporary Instant Capacity
Temporary Instant Capacity
Temporary Instant Capacity
Temporary Instant Capacity
All configuration rules listed in this section apply both to Temporary Instant Capacity and Instant Access Capacity.
Temporary Instant Capacity for processors is supported on partitions running HP UX 11i and later or OpenVMS 8.3 and later
Temporary capacity does not expire. It can be held indefinitely and used as often as needed until the capacity balance is
Temporary capacity is tracked at the complex level and can be consumed by any Instant Capacity processor(s) on active cell
boards within the complex.
Temporary capacity can only be used on the server for which it was purchased unless that server is a member of a Global
Instant Capacity Group.
Temporary Instant Capacity can be applied to Instant Capacity processor cores on active cell boards only. It cannot not be
applied to processors on iCAP cell boards, or to Instant Capacity cell boards or Instant Capacity memory modules.
Temporary Instant Capacity (TiCAP) is purchased in increments of 30 processing days. Any quantity of TiCAP can be
purchased at a time.
TiCAP can be purchased for existing systems as long as those systems have iCAP processors.
TiCAP includes temporary software licenses solely for the software products listed in this guide. Any additional software
running in a partition with Instant Capacity processors that are intended to be activated temporarily using TiCAP must be
licensed for the maximum number of cores that may be active at any given point in time.
TiCAP includes temporary hardware and software support for all iCAP processors activated temporarily.
Instant Capacity
Instant Capacity
Instant Capacity
Instant Capacity
A Summary of HP Instant Capacity Configuration Rules
DA - 11723   Worldwide — Version 20 — February 1, 2010
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