American Dynamics ADMPCPU Benutzerhandbuch

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8200-0421-03, REV. G 
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−  Alarm Message – Enter the alarm message 
number to be associated with the salvo. Note
Alarm messages are first created in the Alarms 
– Alarm Messages screen. 
−  Email Message – Enter the Email message 
number to be associated with the salvo. Note
Email messages are first created in the Alarms 
– Email Messages screen. 
Deleting Salvos or Alarm Contacts 
To delete a Salvo or an alarm contact definition: 
1.  Click the header of the row that contains the Salvo 
or alarm contact definition to be deleted. 
2.  Press the keyboard Delete key of the PC running 
EASY CPU. The Delete Rows dialog box appears. 
Figure 67. Delete Rows dialog 
3. Click Yes to delete the Salvo or alarm contact 
definition or No to close the dialog box without 
deleting the Salvo or definition. 
Creating Tours 
A system Tour is a programmed sequence of 
different camera views switching one after another 
on a monitor. Tours provide an efficient way for 
operators to see multiple areas of interest without 
having to call up cameras manually. 
You can call Tours to run on any monitor using 
keyboard commands or schedule them to run 
automatically by placing them within Event Timers 
(see Event Timers on page 35). 
You create System Tours by identifying each camera 
action to run, the order in which each action will 
appear on the monitor and the length of time the 
action is to remain on the monitor before switching 
(dwell time). 
Key points to remember when programming Tours: 
•  The system allows 64 system Tours, and every 
Tour can include up to 64 Tour entries. 
•  Tours can include Salvos, Presets, Patterns, 
auxiliaries, and other Tours as entries. 
•  Any camera specified on one Tour entry can be 
repeated on another entry using a different dwell 
time, Preset, or auxiliary. 
Click on the Switching – Tour link in the Explore 
menu. The following screen appears. 
Figure 68. Tours screen 
The Tours screen is divided into two sections. The 
left side, “Tours,” allows you to create tour numbers 
and names. The Cameras tab section on the right 
side of the screen allows you to create the entries, 
cameras, and other actions associated with each 
To create Tours, complete the following fields. To 
create additional Tours, click on the asterisk in the 
header of the last row displaying a Tour. 
•  Tours Section 
−  Numb – Assign a unique number to the Tour.  
−  Name – Create a name for the Tour using as 
many characters as needed. 
•  Cameras Tab – Click the Camera tab and 
complete the following fields: 
−  Entry – Click on the row beneath Entry and 
type a number to identify this entry. You will 
define the characteristics of this entry by 
completing the remaining fields across this row. 
−  Camera/Salvos/Tour – Enter the pseudo 
number of a desired camera. If the Link field is 
set to Salvo or Tour, the number in this field 
respectively refers to the Salvo number or Tour 
−  Preset or Pattern – Indicates a Preset (0-96) 
or a Pattern number (0-3) assigned to the 
camera number selected above. Enter the 
number of a Preset or Pattern for the 
corresponding Camera/Salvos/Tour field as 
follows (Figure 69):