American Dynamics ADMPCPU Benutzerhandbuch

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8200-0421-03, REV. G 
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APPENDIX J: Alarm Arming Notes 
Associating Alarms with Camera 
Each alarm contact can be associated with a camera 
Salvo for call-up when the alarm is received. To call a 
Salvo, the alarm contact number should be associated 
with a monitor block that contains enough monitors to 
display all of the cameras in the Salvo. If not, the 
cameras at the end of the Salvo with no matching 
monitors will not be shown. 
Several alarm response actions are restricted when 
Salvos are called to a monitor block: 
•  If the first monitor of the block is enabled for Manual 
Clear, the operator must call that monitor to clear the 
•  During display in either Sequence or Hold method, 
the operator must call the first monitor of the block 
displaying the Salvo in order to shift the Salvo back. 
Associating Alarms with Monitor 
Each alarm contact can be associated with a block of 
monitors to display alarm video. Monitor blocks permit 
the distribution of multiple alarms over several monitors 
for simultaneous viewing. 
Consider the following when associating alarms with 
monitor blocks: 
•  The desired monitor block(s) must be defined first. 
•  The Monitor Arming Code for each monitor in a 
block must be set to a Block code. 
•  The alarm clearance method for the block is set by 
the arming code for the first monitor of the block 
•  The queuing method can be set as desired for each 
monitor of the block. 
•  Associate alarm contacts with the first monitor of the 
monitor block only. 
Monitor Block Queuing for Single 
No restrictions exist on the type of alarm queuing used 
in a block when alarm contacts are associated with 
single camera call-ups only (not Salvos). Both Block 
Sequence and Hold queuing methods can be 
intermixed within a block to provide varied viewing 
Monitor Block Queuing for Camera 
Monitor blocks are required to be able to view all 
cameras when Salvos are associated with alarms. 
Block Sequence and Hold queuing can be mixed in a 
monitor block with the following restrictions: 
•  To arm a monitor block for Hold queuing with 
Salvos, arm all monitors in the block to Block Hold. 
•  To arm a monitor block for Sequence queuing with 
Salvos, arm the first monitor of the block for Block 
Sequence and the remaining monitors in the block 
for Block Hold. 
•  Multiple Salvos can be programmed for 
simultaneous Sequence display within a monitor 
block. First, identify separate, contiguous subsets of 
monitors for Salvo displays. Then, arm the first 
monitor of each subset to Sequence and arm the 
remaining monitors in each subset to Hold. All 
subsets should contain a sufficient number of 
monitors to display the largest Salvo that could be 
called to this block. 
Auxiliary and Preset Alarm 
Multiple alarm contacts can be associated with the 
same camera using different auxiliary and Preset views. 
If more than one of the alarm contacts is received 
during the same time period, the system will activate 
each Preset or auxiliary for the same camera in the 
order the alarms are received (stopping at the Preset or 
auxiliary of the last alarm contact received). In this 
instance, the operator may not see the first Preset or 
auxiliary action(s). 
Wired Alarm Contact Sets 
Continuous alarm contacts can be grouped into Wired 
sets. All contiguous Wired alarm contact numbers are 
activated when any alarm contact of the set is received. 
Each alarm contact number in the set is then handled 
as a separate, active alarm for the monitor to which it is 
armed in accordance with the arming code defined for 
each monitor. 
•  If the associated monitor is armed for Instant or Auto 
clear, then each alarm in the set is cleared 
automatically when the source alarm is cleared. 
•  If the associated monitor is armed for Manual clear, 
each alarm in the set must be manually cleared.