3com 4500 PWR 50-PORT Benutzerhandbuch

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Centralized MAC Address Authentication Configuration Commands
MAC ADDR         Authenticate state           AuthIndex
mac-authentication [ interface interface-list ]
undo mac-authentication [ interface interface-list ]
Ethernet Port View
Table 29   Description of MAC address authentication configuration information
mac address authentication 
is Enabled
The centralized MAC address authentication feature 
is enabled on the switch
authentication mode
The centralized MAC address authentication mode. 
By default, it is MAC address mode.
the Fixed username
The username for fixed mode. By default, the 
username is mac.
the Fixed password
The password for fixed mode. By default it is not 
offline detect period
Offline-detect timer, set the time interval for the 
Switch to detect whether the user is offline. By 
default, it is 300 seconds.
quiet period
Quiet timer. A period of quiet time that the Switch 
needed after failing to authenticate the user. By 
default, it is 1 minute.
server response timeout 
Server timeout timer, set the timeout period to the 
connection between the Switch to the RADIUS 
server. By default, it is 100 seconds.
max allowed user number
The maximum number of users allowed by the 
current user number amounts
Current user number.
current domain
Current domain, by default, it is not configured.
Silent Mac User info
The silent user information. If a user does not pass 
the MAC address authentication, the Switch sets this 
user to be silent, in this period of time, the Switch 
does not authenticate this user.
Ethernet1/0/1 is link-up
Interface Ethernet1/0/1 link is in the up state. 
MAC address authentication  
is Enabled
MAC address authentication is enabled on interface 
Authenticate success: 0, 
failed: 0
The statistics of the MAC address authentication on 
the interface, including the number of users passing 
the authentication and the number of users failing 
the authentication.
Authenticate state
There are four states of the online users:
Connecting: the user is connecting
Success: the user has passed the authentication
Failure: the user has failed the authentication
Logoff: the user is offline.