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Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
Using the Call Home Profile Manager
Use the Call Home Profile Manager dialog (
) to manage all profiles on a 
switch. You can add new profiles, remove profiles, edit profiles, and make copies of 
existing profiles. To display the Call Home Profile Manager dialog, open the Switch 
menu, select Call Home, and select Profile Manager. The Profiles list shows all 
profiles on the switch. The Email List shows all Email addresses associated with the 
selected profile in the Profiles list. The Apply Changes to Multiple Switches in Fabric 
From Email Address:
The Email address that will be provided to the SMTP server 
to indicate the sender of the Email being transmitted. In 
Emails sent by Call Home, this address will appear in the 
message heading as the "From: " address. This value is 
required to send Emails. If there are any problems 
encountered in routing the Email to any of the intended 
recipients, the notice of the problem will be sent to this 
address. It is an important address for receiving Email 
notices concerning problems. 
This address is also the default address used when replies 
are sent to an Email by a recipient. If the "Reply-To: " Email 
address is supplied it will override the sending of replies to 
the "From: " Email address by recipients. However, any 
notifications of Email problems sent by any SMTP server 
used to route the message to the final recipient will always 
send those notifications to the "From: " address.
 ReplyTo Email Address:
The Email address used by mail reading programs to 
determine the address that an Email should be addressed 
to for a reply to a received message. This value will 
override the use of the "From: " address as the recipient for 
a reply message.
Throttle Duplicates:
This boolean setting indicates if duplicate messages should 
be suppressed and accumulated. If "True", then after an 
Email has been transmitted, Call Home will not transmit 
Email for switch events that would result in duplicate 
Emails during a specified time window (default is 15 
seconds). The time window can be only be configured 
using the command line interface. During this time 
window, these duplicate switch events will be accumulated 
to keep track of how many have occurred. After the time 
window has expired, an Email message for the event will 
be transmitted that also includes the count of how many 
duplicate events were accumulated and the time of the last 
received event. If additional switch events are received that 
would result in duplicate Email messages being sent.
TABLE 5-14 
Call Home Setup Entries  (Continued)