WatchGuard Technologies 700 Benutzerhandbuch

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Installing the Firebox III
Hardware Guide
Installing the Firebox III
Easily installed into your network, the rack-mountable Firebox plugs in at 
the Internet connection of your offices to implement security policies and 
Hardware requirements
WatchGuard recommends physically installing a Firebox III under the 
following conditions:
Securely rack-mounted
Placed in a dry, temperature-controlled environment that does not 
exceed 80 degrees F
Placed in a secured environment, such as a locked LAN room, or 
similar space, to prevent physical compromise by unprivileged 
Connected to conditioned power to prevent damage caused by power 
spikes and other power fluctuations
The following minimum hardware requirements pertain to the 
Management Station–the computer that administers the Firebox. This 
computer runs the Control Center software, which provides access to 
WatchGuard Firebox System applications.
Hardware feature
Minimum requirements (Management Station)
Pentium II
Same as for operating system.
64 MB for Windows 98
64 MB for Windows NT 4.0
64 MB for Windows 2000 Professional
256 MB for Windows 2000 Server
Hard disk space
25 MB to install all WatchGuard modules
15 MB minimum for log file
Additional space as required for log files
Additional space as required for multiple 
configuration files
CD-ROM drive
One CD-ROM drive to install WatchGuard from its 
CD-ROM distribution disk