Pelco C1553M-B Benutzerhandbuch

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C1553M-B (4/05)
Prompts are custom dialog boxes used to elicit input from the operator or to inform the operator of something. When you create a prompt, you 
specify the text of the prompt and up to five buttons for the operator to click in response to the prompt text. If you want, you can define scripts for 
one or more of the buttons. You can also set a timer to automatically click one of the buttons if the operator does not respond within a certain 
amount of time.
You must configure at least one button. Only the buttons that are configured are displayed. They are displayed in order with the lowest numbered 
button at the left. The rightmost (highest-numbered) button has a dashed rectangle within it to indicate that the operator can select it by pressing 
To use a prompt you have created, you must call it from a script using the PROMPT command. When the line of code containing the PROMPT 
command executes, the prompt displays in the window of the client running the script. For more information on the PROMPT command, refer to 
Scripts and Expressions - Statements.
1. Navigate the Object Browser to [project name] > Prompts. Double-click <Add New Prompt> in the right pane, or right-click Prompts in the 
left pane and select Add New from the pop-up menu. The Add New Prompt dialog box opens.
Figure 230.  Add New Prompt Dialog Box
2. Name: Type a unique, descriptive name for the prompt you want to create. Prompt names are at most 50 characters long and can include 
any letter, digit or special character, with the exception of single and double quotation marks. Prompt names are not case sensitive. A tag 
resembling the name appears in the Script Tag box. If the name contains special characters, they are omitted from the tag. Spaces are 
replaced with underscores. Leading digits are removed.
3. Title: Type a title for the prompt dialog box. The title appears in the title bar at the top of the dialog box when the prompt is displayed on 
the VMX300(-E) client. Prompt titles are at most 50 characters long and can include any letter, digit or special character, with the exception 
of single and double quotation marks.
4. Script tag: If you do not want to use the script tag provided by the server, type in a unique, meaningful tag. Script tags are at most 50 
characters long. They can include any letter, digit or the underscore character, but cannot begin with a digit. They cannot contain spaces or 
special characters. Tags are not case sensitive. Use the script tag to refer to the prompt in scripts. “Prompt” is not a valid script tag.