Hand Held Products IT4710 Benutzerhandbuch

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{7} [A] < Data Safety Margin = 100%
{8} [A] < Horizontal Print Growth = +10% of X
{9} [A] < Vertical Print Growth = +12% of X
{1} is the Encoded Message.
{2} is the Banner heading.
{3} identifies the Symbology (DATA MATRIX) and lists the symbol's ECC and 
{4} lists the numbers of Data and Check Words, as well as the error correction 
{5} presents an approximate X-dimension.
Note: The reported X-dimension is approximate and based upon use of the 
IT4410LR at 4.7 in (12 cm) (see  "Reading Techniques" on page 1-1).  If 
you use different image engines, the X-dimension will vary.  If you hold 
the reader closer than 4.7 in (12 cm), it will have the effect of reporting a 
larger than true X-dimension.  Conversely, if you hold the reader farther 
away than 4.7 in (12 cm), it will have the effect of reporting a smaller than 
true X-dimension.  Please contact HHP Application Support for additional 
information.  Refer to Chapter 3 for contact information.
{6} lists the number of Module Errors in the Fixed Patterns, which consist of 
the Finder "L" and Clocking tracks around the perimeter of the symbol, their 
adjacent quiet zones, and any interior alignment patterns in larger ECC200 
In Screening modes, this parameter is reported as "Too many Fixed Pattern 
Errors (3)" when that is the case.
{7} lists the Data Safety Margin.  This parameter is measured and reported 
only for ECC200 symbols.  These symbols have a fixed level of error correc-
tion.  There is no equivalent parameter for the convolutional error encoding 
used in older versions of Data Matrix.  This parameter is just the "Unused 
Error Correction" and always between 0 and 100%.
{8} and {9} list the Horizontal & Vertical Print Growths, respectively.
QR Code
The Full Report from a typical scan looks like the following (line numbers have 
been added in curly brackets):
{1} This is a representative QR Code symbol
{2}  >>> PQA from HHP <<<