Motorola MS4404 Benutzerhandbuch

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AIM. Automatic Identification Manufacturers, Inc. is the trade association for manufacturers of automatic identification 
Alphanumeric. A character set that contains letters, numbers and other characters such as special symbols.
Aperture. The opening in an optical system defined by a lens or baffle that establishes the field of view.
ASCII. American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A 7 bit-plus-parity code representing 128 letters, numerals, 
punctuation marks and control characters. It is a standard data transmission code in the U.S.
Aspect Ratio. The ratio of symbol height to symbol length in a 2-dimensional symbol.
Autodiscrimination. The ability of an interface controller to determine the code type of a scanned bar code. After this 
determination is made, the information content is decoded.
Automatic Identification System. The application of various technologies, such as bar code recognition, image 
recognition, voice recognition and RF/MW transponders, for the purpose of data entry into a data processing system 
and bypassing the key-entry component of traditional data entry.
Background. The area surrounding a printed symbol including the spaces and quiet zones.
Bar. The dark element in a printed bar code symbol.
Bar Code. A pattern of variable-width bars and spaces which represents numeric or alphanumeric data in machine-readable 
form. The general format of a bar code symbol consists of a leading margin, start character, data or message character, 
check character (if any), stop character, and trailing margin. Within this framework, each recognizable symbology uses 
its own unique format. See Symbology.