3com WX4400 3CRWX440095A Benutzerhandbuch

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clear service-profile
The following commands disable the radios using radio profile rptest and 
remove the profile:
WX4400# set radio-profile rptest mode disable
WX4400# clear radio-profile rptest
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear service-profile
Removes a service profile or resets one of the profile’s parameters to its 
default value.
Syntax —
 clear service-profile name 
[soda {agent-directory | failure-page | remediation-acl | 
success-page | logout-page}]
soda agent-directory — 
Resets the directory for Sygate 
On-Demand (SODA) agent files to the default directory. By default, the 
directory name for SODA agent files is the same as the service profile 
soda failure-page 
Resets the page that is loaded when a client 
fails the SODA agent checks. By default, the page is generated 
soda remediation-acl
 — Disables use of the specified remediation 
ACL for the service profile. When no remediation ACL is specified, a 
client is disconnected from the network when it fails SODA agent 
soda success-page
 — Resets the page loaded when a client passes 
the checks performed by the SODA agent. By default, the page is 
generated dynamically.
soda logout-page
 — Resets the page loaded when a client logs out 
of the network. By default, the client is disconnected from the 
network without loading a page.
Defaults — None.