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Getting eBooks
The Mobipocket Reader provides you with easy access to purchasing and downloading eBooks in
categories ranging from Science Fiction to History and many more. Note: Before you purchase and
download eBooks, be sure you are connected to the Internet. The following example, leads you
through the purchase of an eBook on the Web site.
Click eBookstore in the Left pane.
The Home page of the eBookstore is opened within the Mobipocket Reader.
Browse to find the eBook you want.
Categories are listed down the left side of the page.
At any time, click 
to return to the Home page of the eBookstore.
When you see a title you want to purchase, click it, so you are viewing that eBook’s page.
If you are not sure if you want to make the purchase, you can download a free sample of the
eBook. Click FREE SAMPLE to download and read a sample of the book. Then return to the
eBookstore to purchase the eBook.
You then have the option to continue shopping, or to proceed to checkout.
Click View Shopping Cart to view the contents of your cart at any time. If you wish to
remove a selection, click Delete.
Click Proceed to checkout.
You will be prompted to re-enter your username and password. If you have not already
created an account, you can do so now. Click Create an account and follow the steps on
the screen.
Type your username and password and click OK.
You are asked to review your order.
Click Confirm order to place your order.