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InkNote Manager by Seiko Instruments
Other Configuration Options
Select Use tablet as kybd in other apps only if you want to use the 
SmartPad keyboard.
Using InkNote Manager with Multiple handheld Devices
You can use InkNote Manager on your desktop to partner with several 
handhelds, including both Palm and Pocket PC devices.
Microsoft’s ActiveSync allows you to partner more than one Pocket PC 
with a desktop computer—and InkNote Manager supports that feature as 
well. ActiveSync assigns a name to each partnered handheld device. It then 
uses that name to create a uniquely named folder in your desktop com-
puter’s My Documents folder. That folder contains the files to be synchro-
nized with a particular handheld. (For example, you might have a folder 
named My Documents\Color_PocketPC My Documents, which syncs with 
the My Documents folder on the device named Color_PocketPC. Other 
folders would sync with the My Documents folders of other partnered hand-
Ink notes from a Pocket PC are stored by default in the \My Docu-
ments\Seiko Ink Notes folder on a handheld; this folder syncs to the My 
Documents\Pocket_PC My Documents\Seiko Ink Notes folder on your 
desktop computer, where Pocket_PC is the device name of your handheld. 
(Depending on which version of Windows you use, your My Documents 
folder might not be in the root directory. But you can always find it by open-
ing My Computer; My Documents appears as a subfolder of Desktop, the 
item at the top of the hierarchy.)
To determine (or change) the name of your Pocket PC, follow these steps:
On the Pocket PC, open the Start menu and choose Settings.
Tap the System tab and then tap About.
Tap the Device ID tab.
See Also