Zhone 2208 Betriebsanweisung

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TCP Statistics Report
To display the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) Statistics report, type “T” 
on the Network Statistics menu. The TCP Statistics report displays detailed 
information about TCP packets sent and received. 
Bootstrap received
No. of PIM Bootstrap messages received.
Assert received
No. of PIM Assert messages received.
Graft received
No. of PIM Graft messages received.
Graft Ack received
No. of PIM Graft Acknowledgment messages 
Cand RP Adv received
No. of PIM messages received.
other messages received
No. of PIM messages received.
Sent Messages Information
Hello sent
No. of PIM Hello messages sent.
Register sent
No. of PIM Register messages sent.
Register Stop sent
No. of PIM Register-Stop messages sent.
Join/Prune sent
No. of PIM Join/Prune messages sent.
Boosters sent
No. of PIM Bootstrap messages sent.
Assert sent
No. of PIM Assert messages sent.
Graft sent
No. of PIM Graft messages sent.
Graft Ack sent
No. of PIM Graft Acknowledgment messages sent.
Cand RP Adv sent
No. of PIM messages sent.
other messages sent
No. of PIM messages sent.
Received Packet Information
packets received
Total TCP packets received.
discarded for lack of 
Discarded received packets due to lack of resources: 
kernel memory or packet buffers.
discarded due to internal 
Discarded received packets due to internal software 
discarded for other reasons:
Discarded received packets due to other reasons listed 
in the following:
- with destination port zero
Destination port value in TCP header is zero.
- bad checksums
Checksum value in TCP header is incorrect.
- with headers too small
Size of the TCP header is less than 20 bytes.
- packets smaller than header Packet size is less than the TCP header size.
- packets larger than frame
Packet is larger than the internal packet buffer.