Eagle sport Betriebsanweisung

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navigation data to the next waypoint, once you arrive at the first one. If you
use the routes feature, never set the arrival alarm to zero.
At the bottom of the GPS Alarms menu are the
position (POS) and DGPS message selections.
When turned on, the position message (shown at
right) appears for a few seconds whenever the
AccuMap Sport locks onto the satellites and shows
a position. It also appears when the unit loses the
lock onto the satellites and cannot navigate. Press-
ing the EXIT key erases these messages.
The DGPS message appears whenever the unit begins or stops using
DGPS data to help determine your position.
To turn on either message, select the “GPS Alarms” menu from the main
menu, then move the black box to the desired message and press the
right arrow key to turn it on. Press the EXIT key to erase this screen.
All messages are stored in memory even if they’re
not displayed. You can view them in the message
log. To do this, simply press the MENU key, then
highlight the “MESSAGES” label and press the right
arrow key. A screen similar to the one below ap-
pears. If there are more messages than this screen
can hold, press the left or right arrow keys to view
more pages.
When you’re finished with this screen, press the
EXIT key to return to a mapping, navigation, or
windows screen.