Crown pt 3.1 Merkblatt

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Crown International
P.O. Box 1000
Elkhart, IN 46515-1000
TEL: 219-294-8200
FAX: 219-294-8FAX
06/01                                                            133377-1  
Crown’s Three-Year, No-Fault, Fully Transferable Warranty
Crown offers a Three-Year, No-Fault, Fully Transferable Warranty for every new Crown ampli-
fi er—an unsurpassed industry standard. With this unprecedented No-Fault protection, your new 
Crown amplifi er is warranted to meet or exceed original specifi cations for the fi rst three years of 
ownership. During this time, if your amplifi er fails, or does not perform to original specifi cations, 
it will be repaired or replaced at our expense. About the only things not covered by this warranty 
are those losses normally covered by insurance and those caused by intentional abuse. And the 
coverage is transferable, should you sell your amplifi er.
See your authorized Crown dealer for full warranty disclosure and details. For customers outside 
of the USA, please contact your authorized Crown distributor for warranty information or call 
PT 3.1
Specifi cations subject to change without prior notice. Latest infor-
mation available at
Crown, IOC, ODEP and Grounded Bridge are registered trademarks 
of Crown International. Other trademarks are the property of their 
respective owners. Printed in U.S.A.
© 2001 Crown Audio, Inc.
Enable: This red indicator shows the on/off 
status of the low voltage power supply.
Signal/IOC: Each channel has a two color indi-
cator that fl ashes green to show signal pres-
ence and yellow if the amplifi er causes distor-
tion of 0.05% or more.
Input Connector: Balanced 1/4-inch phone 
jacks and XLR connectors in parallel.
Input Impedance: Nominally 20 K ohms, bal-
anced; 10 K ohms, unbalanced.
Output Connector: Two sets of color-coded 
binding posts.
Output Impedance: Less than 10 milliohms in 
series with less than 2 microhenries.
DC Output Offset: Less than 10 millivolts.
Output Signal
Stereo: Unbalanced, two-channel.
Bridge-Mono: Balanced, single-channel. Chan-
nel 1 controls are active; Channel 2 controls 
should be turned down and not used.
Parallel-Mono: Unbalanced, single-channel. 
Channel 1 controls are active; Channel 2 con-
trols should be turned down and not used.
Power-Tech .1 Series amplifi ers are protected 
against shorted, open or mismatched loads; 
overloaded power supplies; excessive tempera-
ture; chain destruction phenomena; input over-
load and high-frequency blowups. They also 
protect loudspeakers from input and output DC, 
as well as providing protection from turn-on/
turn-off transients.
If operating conditions are unreasonable, the 
patented ODEP circuitry proportionally limits 
the drive level to protect the output transistors, 
particularly in the case of elevated temperature. 
A thermal switch imbedded in the transformer 
protects the power supplies from overload. In 
the rare event that a transformer overheats, the 
thermal switch removes power, waits until the 
unit has cooled to a safe temperature and then 
resets itself.
Turn On: Four-second delay with no dangerous 
transients. Contact us if you need to change 
the delay.
Durable black fi nish on steel chassis with spe-
cial “fl ow-through” ventilation from front to 
side panels.
Cooling: Internal heat sinks with forced-air 
cooling for rapid, uniform heat dissipation. 
Dimensions: Standard 19-inch (48.3-cm) rack 
mount width (EIA RS-310-B), 3.5-inch (8.9-cm) 
height and 16-inch (40.6-cm) depth behind the 
mounting surface.
Approximate Weight: Center of gravity is 6 
inches (15.2 cm) behind front mounting sur-
120 VAC, 60 Hz Units: 36 pounds, 8 ounces 
(16.6 kg) net; 40 pounds, 8 ounces  (18.4 kg) 
shipping weight.
International Units: 37 pounds, 3 ounces (16.6 
kg) net; 40 pounds, 15 ounces (18.6 kg) ship-
ping weight.