Seagate goflex desk 3tb Betriebsanweisung

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4. Getting Started with GoFlex Home
 Opening Seagate Share
FreeAgent® GoFlex™ Home User Guide
Search/View toolbar: Provides drop-down menus that you can use to sort, filter, and 
search your files and folders, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. 
The Search/View toolbar also lets you choose how you want to view your files and folders 
(in a list or as thumbnails, for instance). Select Shuffle to rearrange files in a selected 
folder in random order; select Cover to see your files in a Windows filmstrip-type view. 
(Seagate Share Pro users—Select Cooliris to open photos in the 3D image viewing tool 
in the Cooliris application. See page 53 for more information.)
Navigation toolbar: Includes the online Help menu, the Go To menu, and the sign-out 
feature. Use the Go To menu to move between the pages of Seagate Share:
Home page (the first page that appears when you open Seagate Share)
Shares page (which lists only your shares)
Seagate Share page
Preferences page (which lists all customizable settings for GoFlex Home—see 
page 69 for more information)
Completing Tasks Multiple Ways in Seagate Share
Seagate Share provides several ways of doing the same task. As you become familiar with 
Seagate Share, you’ll find the method you’re most comfortable with.
For instance, to move files to a share, you can:
Drag and drop the files and folders into the share.
Use the Copy and Paste options in the menu.
Use the Add to Share menu option. (See “Finding the Seagate Share Menus” on 
page 35 for more informatio
n on menus.)