Garmin 530 Betriebsanweisung

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12 - messages
abbreviations &
nav terms
No basemap data available — The GNS 530 has detected a failure in the 
built-in basemap (land data) memory. Land data does not appear on the Map 
Page. Other unit functions continue to work normally, however the GNS 530 
should be taken to your Garmin dealer for service at your earliest conve-
Non-WGS84 wpt navigation — The active “to” and/or “from” waypoints 
are based upon a map datum other than WGS 84 and cannot be converted 
from that map datum to WGS 84. Expect some error in the position of the 
waypoint(s) and cross-check with an alternate means of nav igation.
Not receiving input data on 429 Channel #1 — No data has been re-
ceived on the ARINC 429 channel #1 connection for a per iod ex ceeding fi ve 
seconds. If the problem persists, the installation should be checked by your 
Garmin dealer.
Not receiving input data on 429 Channel #2 — No data has been re-
ceived on the ARINC 429 channel #2 connection for a period ex ceeding fi ve 
seconds. If the problem persists, the installation should be checked by your 
Garmin dealer.
Not receiving input data on 232 Channel #(1 through 5) — No data 
has been received on one (or more) of the RS-232 channel con nections for a 
period ex ceeding ten seconds. If the problem persists, the in stallation should 
be checked by your Garmin dealer.
OBS key stuck — The OBS key is stuck in the enabled (or pressed) state. 
Try pressing the OBS key again to cycle its operation. If the message persists, 
contact your Garmin dealer for assistance.
Poor GPS coverage — The GPS receiver cannot acquire a suffi cient num-
ber of satellites to compute a position and provide navigation.
Power down and re-initialize — The GNS 530 cannot calculate a position 
due to abnormal satellite conditions. The unit is unusable until power has 
been cycled off and back on. Abnormal satellite conditions may exist and 
you may need to use an alternate means of navigation.
RAIM is not available — Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring 
(RAIM) has determined that suffi cient GPS satellite coverage DOES NOT 
exist for the phase of fl ight you are currently in. The CDI/HSI NAV fl ag also 
appears. Select an alternate source for navigation guidance, such as the GNS 
530’s VLOC receiver.
RAIM not available from FAF to MAP waypoints — When
performing an instrument approach, Receiver Autonomous Integrity Moni-
toring (RAIM) has de termined that suffi cient GPS satellite coverage DOES 
NOT exist to meet the required pro tection limits. Select an al ter nate source 
for navigation guidance, such as the GNS 530’s VLOC re ceiver.
RAIM position warning — Although suffi cient GPS satellite coverage may 
exist, Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) has 
determined the information from one or more GPS satellites may be in error. 
The resulting GPS position may be in error beyond the limits allowed for 
your current phase of fl ight. Cross-check your position with an alternate 
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4/11/2003, 9:06:29 AM