Garmin navus gps Benutzeranleitung

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Satellite Status
As soon as the GPS receiver in your Navus has collected the 
necessary data to calculate a fix, the status field indicates a 2D or 3D 
status. Satellite Status is indicated at the top left corner of the page. 
The status is shown as one of the following conditions:
Searching Sky: The GPS receiver is looking for any available 
satellites in view.
AutoLocate: The GPS receiver is initializing and collecting new 
almanac data. This process can take up to five minutes, depending on 
the satellites currently in view.
Acquiring Sats: The GPS receiver is collecting data from available 
satellites but has not collected enough data to calculate a position fix.
2D Navigation: At least three satellites have been acquired with good 
geometry have been locked onto; a two-dimensional position fix is 
being calculated. (Reads 2D Diff Nav if WAAS-enabled)
3D Navigation: At least four satellites with good geometry have been 
locked onto; a three-dimensional position fix is being calculated. 
(Reads 3D Diff Nav if WAAS-enabled)
Lost Reception: The GPS receiver has temporarily lost satellite 
Poor GPS Coverage: The GPS receiver is not tracking enough 
satellites for a 2D or 3D fix due to bad satellite geometry or a shaded 
antenna (such as driving between buildings).
Not Usable: The Navus is unusable, possibly due to incorrect 
initialization or abnormal satellite conditions. Turn the unit off and 
back on to reset and re-initialize the receiver.
GPS is Off: The Navus is being used indoors and cannot be used for 
Dead Reckoning: The Navus is not tracking enough satellites for 
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