Barco clm hd8 Zusätzliches Handbuch

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Bye, bye, video black 
The CLM series projectors (
), has the unique ability to 
dissolve the image from full brightness to a true black state. That’s right; no 
more "video black"
Anyone who has used a LCD or DLP projector in a very dark environment knows 
that video black is not really black but a dark and very visible grey rectangle. 
This is a major problem in applications such as theatres and other performing arts 
spaces, where darkness often matters as much as visibility. Scene changes 
typically happen during short blackouts.  
If such a stage uses projection, the "dark" state of the projectors emits enough 
light to make the activity on stage quite visible. Barco DLP projectors have always 
been fitted with dark shutters to avoid this, but with the CLM series projectors, 
we are taking this to a new level. 
Our CLM series projectors have a true gradient shutter mechanism that allows 
smooth brightness control from 0 to 100% brightness. This control is 
independent and consistent regardless of what type of projection lens used; a 
major advantage over external mechanical shutters. The control of this shutter is 
by the DMX512 protocol, allowing the CLMs to be controlled from a show- or 
lighting control system. 
But we did not stop there... 
The CLM series projectors also give you the opportunity to use DMX512 to 
control zoom, focus, lens shift, input selection as well as digital contrast and 
With the CLM series of projectors, you’re really in control of the image. 
 for more info on the CLM series of projectors.