Lexicon MC-12 Betriebsanweisung

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MC-12 Serial Communications Protocol 
Printed on: 07/13/05 
The data value transmitted is dependent on the ParamType, as described above.  The 
CurrentValue is always packed starting at the CurrentValue [0] byte in the packet.  For 
multi-byte data, the values are packed LSB first(CurrentValue [0]) to MSB(CurrentValue 
[0+(num bytes-1)]).  For example:  Setting a given signed 16 bit parameter to a value of -
300 the data array would be packed as follows: 
Data[0] = 0xd4 
Data[1] = 0xfe 
Data[2 - 13] = don't care. 
If a parameter's current value is a signed 16 bit parameter with a value of -3 the data 
array would be packed as follows: 
Data[0] = 0xfd 
Data[1] = 0xff 
Data[2 - 13] = don't care. 
All signed values are in the 2's compliment format. 
Max Value: 
This is a 16 bit value representing the maximum value for a parameter.  Parameter values 
exceeding the maximum will be limited to the maximum.  This may be a signed or 
unsigned value depending on the Parameter Type. 
Min Value: 
This is a 16 bit value representing the minimum value for a parameter.  Parameter values 
exceeding the minimum will be limited to the minimum. .  This may be a signed or 
unsigned value depending on the Parameter Type. 
Parameter Path: 
This is a zero terminated ASCII character string describing the parameter's name and 
path in the units parameter tree structure.  
Read Only: 
Parameter is read only 
7.3.37  MC-12 Set Parameter Value by Id (MC-12) 
MC-12 Set Parameter by Id command sets the parameter value equal to the value sent in the command 
packet and then runs the appropriate functional changes associated with changing the given parameter.  Command Packet Description 
Application Header: 
Data Count  24 
Application Data: 
Data[0] ParamId(LSB) 
Data[1] ParamId(MSB) 
Data[2] ParamType 
Data[3-23]  Value[0 -20] 
nn nn nn… 
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