WatchGuard x1000 Verweisanleitung

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Reference Guide
fwcheck[] Killing process http-proxy (pid x) 
Fwcheck is the process responsible for low memory scavenging 
on the Firebox. If Firebox memory is overloaded for some reason, 
fwcheck kills other processes until memory usage returns to a 
safer state.
http-proxy[] [x.x.x.x:1091 x.x.x.x:80] Request denied: No 
URI found 
This message indicates a connection to a Web server was not 
compliant with RFC 2068. The problem is not with the code of the 
Web page but with the server itself. Web servers create headers 
when sending packets to clients.  These headers contain 
information about the page, including information the HTTP 
Proxy requires to process the traffic. Part of this is a URI (Uniform 
Resource Identifier). According to RFC 2068:
Uniform Resource Identifiers, (URIs) have been known by many 
names: WWW addresses, Universal Document Identifiers, 
Universal Resource Identifiers, and finally the combination of 
Uniform Resource Locators (URL) and Names (URN). As far as 
HTTP is concerned, Uniform Resource Identifiers are simply 
formatted strings which identify–via name, location, or any other 
characteristic–a resource.
RFC 2068 defines the syntax for a URI. ''URI not found'' means 
either the URI was not defined or it was defined incorrectly. By 
default, HTTP Proxy blocks pages with non-compliant URIs. 
Solutions for this problem include:
 - Contacting the Web server admin to request an update to make 
their server RFC 2068—compliant
 - Creating a Filtered-HTTP service for that site
http-proxy[] [x.x.x.x:1091 x.x.x.x:80] removing bogus HTTP 
header '? HTTP\1.0' 
Most browsers are lax about requiring precise HTTP header 
syntax. If the Firebox HTTP Proxy encounters HTTP headers 
either with incorrect syntax or not defined per RFC 2068, it strips 
them during transfer. The rest of the document still transfers. 
http-proxy[] can't read proxy info file 
The proxy info file is a file on the Firebox describing the map 
between HTTP Proxy services and their internal ports. It is created 
by firewalld at the start of the boot sequence. Difficulty reading