WinBook sx dx Betriebsanweisung

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The Central Processing Unit SX/DX 
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the heart of any computer system, coordinating the flow of data
and controlling the hardware in a system. The key features of the various CPU’s used in the
486SX/DX-WinBook series are outlined here for your reference, though note that [SX/DX 1-1] the CPU
type does not affect the operating procedures which are identical for all models. 
The 80486SX CPU 
Both the monochrome and color versions of the 486SX-WinBook use the Intel 80486SX CPU which
includes a built-in 8 Kbyte cache to increase the speed of data access. The CPU uses a 32-bit internal and
external data bus (path), offering the speed of 32 bit processing while still remaining fully compatible with
the 16-bit AT standard. Note that the 80486SX CPU does not include a math coprocessor and no
external math coprocessor solution is provided. 
The 80486DX CPU 
Both the color and monochrome versions of the 486DX-Winbook use the Intel 80486DX CPU. This
CPU also has a built-in 8 Kbyte cache, and also includes an integrated 80487-math coprocessor. This
provides more processing power for arithmetic intensive applications such as some graphics and data base
Generally speaking, with the exception of the integrated math coprocessor in the 80486DX CPU, all
features and functions of the 80486SX and 80486DX CPU’s are identical. Note that both CPU’s are
downwardly compatible with the 80386, 80286 (AT) and 8086 (XT) CPU’s and support all applications
designed to run on those CPU’s. 
CPU Processing Speed 
In addition to offering 486SX and 486DX versions, all versions come with varying CPU processing
speeds. A choice of 25MHz and 33MHz CPU’s is available for all models. In general, the higher the
processing speed of the CPU, the quicker an application will run, so a 33MHz system will execute
applications quicker than a 25MHz system. The actual difference in speed between applications, however,
depends on several factors in addition to the CPU speed, such as the amount of system memory and/or
disk access, etc., so the extent to which systems appear quicker/slower depends on the software being
run.[SX/DX 1-2] 
1 of 1 3/2/99 12:21 PM
The Central Processing Unit SX/DX file:///C|/test/HtmlHelp/TechhelpThe_Central_Processing_Unit_SXDX.html