Raxco PerfectDisk 11.0 Server, 1Y, 5-9u PDESAM1 Merkblatt

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Standard multi-gigabyte and multi-terabyte drive support
PerfectDisk defragments the very largest disk drives that are prevalent in today’s operating environments – drives that range
from several hundred gigabytes to several terabytes. Support for RAID and Volume Sets enables powerful defragmentation for
the largest and most complex environments with large storage arrays and volumes. Because of this design, PerfectDisk not only
defragments these large drives completely, but it does so up to twice as fast as other defragmenters, consolidates the drives’ free
space, and uses 80% fewer resources - at no extra cost.
Total disk defragmentation and free space consolidation
PerfectDisk offers the most comprehensive solution
for defragmentation by optimizing virtually every file on
the system, including the Master File Table (MFT), all
NTFS metadata files, paging files, directories, and data
files, and completely consolidating free space.  And it
does it all in a single pass.  There’s also a Selected
Files Defrag option that is useful for defragmenting
very large files such as video files, rather than
defragmenting the entire drive.
Centralized management from
PerfectDisk Enterprise Console
PerfectDisk 11 Server integrates seamlessly with the
PerfectDisk 11 Enterprise Console to provide a
dashboard and complete centralized management of
your server environment. A sophisticated yet easy-to-
use alsert and warning system makes sure you’re
aware of any potential trouble before it happens.
CPU and I/O – Control resource throttling
PerfectDisk provides resource throttling capabilities to manage resource usage as efficiently as possible. I/O throttling allows
PerfectDisk to run on very busy disks without imposing additional load on the disk.  CPU throttling allows you to raise or lower
the CPU priority at which it runs. PerfectDisk uses very minimal CPU resources in its standard processing.
Master File Table placement for better computer performance
Only PerfectDisk 11 optimally places the Master File Table (MFT) as recommended by
Microsoft for improved performance.  This can mean as much as a ten percent performance
and productivity improvement.
Space management - beyond defragmentation
PerfectDisk 11 Server provides capabilities beyond defragmentation for your storage needs.
Users can easily detect and delete duplicate files, see the largest files on a drive, obtain free
space and performance information, and much more through PerfectDisk’s exclusive Space
PerfectDisk…A Proven Leader in System Resource
Management Solutions
PerfectDisk empowers system managers, small business and home users by delivering flexibility,
automation, and high-performance to help you thrive in constantly changing system network and
home environments.  PerfectDisk solutions extend the reach, power and versatility of your
information systems for the most complex and demanding computer systems.
Minimum System
Operating System:
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003
64 MB
(128 MB recommended)
File System:
The PerfectDisk 11 Server dashboard shows drive status, including
fragmentation and free space levels, at a glance.