Sony PCWA-C800S Handbuch

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The computer connects to the netw ork.
An encryption key is a passw ord used for netw orks w ith data encryption enabled. 
The encryption key is also called a WEP key and netw ork key. 
The number of characters entered for the encryption key differs according to the access point or peer-to-peer netw ork encryption key length and
ASCII/Hexadecimal settings (see table below ). 
Ke y form at
Ke y le ngth
Num be r of characte rs
(alphanumeric characters and symbols) 40 bits
5 characters
104 bits
13 characters
(0 to 9, A to F, a to f)
40 bits
10 characters
104 bits
26 characters
The Wireless Panel softw are automatically detects ASCII and hexadecimal formats. 
When connecting to an access point set to its factory default settings, confirm the settings in the documentation provided w ith your access point.
When connecting to an existing access point or peer-to-peer netw ork, confirm the settings from the netw ork administrator. 
Windows XP operating system
Use the Window s XP Wireless Netw ork function to sw itch betw een connections.
The procedure, screen names, etc., depend on w hether Window s XP Service Pack 1 is installed on your computer or not.
Window s XP Service Pack 1 is a Window s XP upgrade distributed by Microsoft Corporation. If Window s XP Service Pack 1 is not already installed on your
computer, Sony recommends dow nloading and installing it. To verify w hether the service pack is installed, click "Start", and then click "My Computer". In the "My
Computer" w indow , click "View  system information", on the left. The "System Properties" dialog box appears. If the service pack is installed, "Service Pack 1"
appears under "System" on the "General" tab of the dialog box.
Whe n Window s  XP Se rvice  Pack  1 is  ins talle d
Right-click  the  "Wire le s s  Ne tw ork  Conne ction" icon on the  tas k bar, and the n click  "Vie w  Available  Wire le s s  Ne tw ork s " on the  s hortcut
m e nu.
The "Wireless Netw ork Connection" dialog box appears. 
The appearance of the screen of the selected access point differs depending on w hether data encryption (WEP) is enabled. For details on how  to set up the
access point, refer to the documentation provided w ith your access point.
Access point w ith data encryption (WEP) enabled: 
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