Xerox DocuTech 6100 Production Publisher Merkblatt

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DocuSP color management
Color Management Guide
NOTE:  These image resample methods are detailed in 
Chapter 4: Using Color Tools.
Destination Profiles convert PCS to CMYK. 
There are pre-defined destination profiles for GCR 
(Gray Component Replacement). GCR replaces 
equivalent percentages of the gray component for 
colors (CMY), replacing the gray with black. This 
conserves dry ink and prevents dry ink buildup. 
Emulation can be selected in place of destination 
profiles allowing you to select a color profile that 
emulates a specific type of output profile for media or a 
printing device.
Rendering intent provides color mapping options. 
The available rendering intents are covered in detail in 
Chapter 4: Using Color Tools and are as follows:
Relative Colorimetric
Absolute Colorimetric
Print as grayscale
Print as grayscale converts color content to gray. Refer to on-line 
help for the details, as well as for information on billing.
Spot color editor
DocuSP has a built-in color lookup table to map incoming spot 
color (PANTONE® Coated or Uncoated) to the matching 
PANTONE® color created in DocuSP CMYK. If the PostScript or 
PDF file contains Uncoated, Process or ProSim color, the CMYK 
color representation is created using the color values in the 
PostScript file.
The Spot Color Editor is provided allowing you to change the 
standard DocuSP output for each PANTONE® color.