Redmond RJ-903 Chrome in Black Benutzerhandbuch

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Tangerine is considered to be a vitamin store by right too.
Besides vitamin С it is rich with vitamins В1, В2, Р, provitamin
А. Besides that, in tangerine pulp and skin there are pectic sub-
stances, organic acids, carotin, glucosides, ether oils.
Tangerine juice vitaminizes and feeds the skin, give it the
beautiful color and opacity. It is useful to put napkins wetted in
tangerine juice upon face and neck.
By the advice of American biochemists, directly before doing
sports or other intensive physical loads it is necessary to eat the
pulp of one lemon. In case of big physical loads upon organ-
ism leukocytes (white immune corpuscles) are saturated with
molecules of vitaminа С and improve stamina. Besides that,
general fatigability of organism is decreased. In several minutes
after you will eat a lemon, you will feel the inflow of fresh
energy already. With the help of lemon juice it is possible to
strengthen immune system, connective tissue, hair and nails.
Lemon stimulates generation of gastric juice, improves uptake
of iron, activates metabolism and inflow of calcium into bones
and teeth, strengthens blood vessels and improves growth of
cells and rejuvenates organism, releases fats and helps to get
rid of excessive weight. Nevertheless, people with superacidity
of gastric juice should be careful with the use of big amounts of
lemon juice.
Iv. cLEaNING aNd maINtENaNcE
•  Cleaning of the appliance’s motor part basement is to be made with wet fabric. Do not im
merse motor part into water.
•  All other parts may be cleaned in dishwashing machine; we recommend to clean them
directly after application.
•  In case of processing of color food products (for instance, grapefruit), plastic parts of the
appliance can change color. Wipe these parts with plant oil prior to placing them in dish
washing machine.
1. Squeezer does not operate
- Having turned the appliance on prelimi-
narily, check the availability of voltage in
- Call the specialists of service center