Cisco Cisco Clean Access 3.5

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Cisco Clean Access Manager Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 7      User Pages and Guest Access
Customize Login Page Styles
Customize Login Page Styles
Go to Login Page > Edit > Style to modify the CSS properties of the page.
Figure 7-5
Login Page Style 
You can change the background (BG) and foreground (FG) colors and properties. Note that Form 
properties apply to the portion of the page containing the login fields (shaded gray in 
Left Frame Width: Width of the left frame contain login fields.
Body BG_Color, Body FG_Color: Background and foreground colors for body areas of the 
login page.
Form BG_Color, Form FG_Color: Background and foreground colors for form areas.
Misc BG_Color, Misc FG_Color: Background and foreground colors for miscellaneous areas of 
the login page.
Body CSS: CSS tags for formatting body areas of the login page.
Title CSS: CSS tags for formatting title areas of the login page.
Form CSS: CSS tags for formatting form areas of the login page.
Instruction CSS: CSS tags for formatting instruction areas of the login page.
Misc CSS: CSS tags for formatting miscellaneous areas of the login page.
Click Update to commit the changes made on the Style page, then click View to view the login page 
using the updated changes.