Cisco Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express 2.1 Veröffentlichungshinweis

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User Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Release 1.2
Chapter 7      Managing the Meeting
    About Controlling Who is in the Meeting
Arrows will appear in the 
 at the top to allow you to scroll through 
the entry requests. Click the arrows to view the names of the people who are 
requesting entry. When you see a name that you want to respond to, click 
Accept or Decline.
(If you have installed the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Presenter 
Add-in) Multiple 
 will stack up at the bottom of your screen. You 
can respond to each individually.
Step 3
If requestors close their request to enter the meeting, the 
representing them disappear from your screen.
Viewing and Changing Details of a Locked Meeting via the Web 
Meeting Room
When people try to join a web meeting that is locked, they see a message that you 
can specify. You can also specify whether or not to allow new arrivals to request 
entry to the meeting.
You must be the person who locked the meeting.
Step 1
In the 
, roll your mouse over the locked-meeting icon at the 
right-side end of the meeting room menu bar.
Step 2
Click the appropriate link to make any of the following changes:
Allow or disallow new arrivals to request entry.
Change the message that new arrivals see.
Unlock the meeting to remove the entry restriction.