Cisco Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Video Integration Anleitung Für Quick Setup

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Administration Center Page References for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Meeting Configuration Page
Video Settings
Video licensed ports 
Display only. Number of video licenses on the system, determined by the installed videoconf 
and maxvideo licenses. To view installed and enabled licenses, see 
in the 
Video available ports 
Display only. Number of video ports for scheduled and reservationless meetings on the 
system, determined by either th
Video licensed ports
 field or the 
Video capacity override 
 field. This number is also affected by the 
Global video mode
 field setting.
Video ports can also be used by meeting recordings. See 
 in the 
The displayed value determines the maximum possible number of simultaneous video 
connections to Cisco Unified MeetingPlace.
Video floater ports 
Number of video ports that are reserved as floater ports. Floater ports can be used by any 
meeting to accommodate unanticipated additional attendees. 
Video floater ports can also be used by meeting recordings. See 
 in the 
This number cannot exceed the value of the 
Video available ports
Changing the licenses may affect the upper and lower limits for this parameter.
See “Recommendations for Determining the Number of Floater Ports” in the Planning the 
Capacity of your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace System module. 
Default: 0
Video overbook ports 
Number of video ports to allow for scheduling meetings that exceed the number of available 
video ports on the system. 
If you use this feature, you assume that users who are scheduled to attend meetings do not 
always attend or use video, leaving their reserved video ports unused. Once all video ports 
are in use, any other video users who try to attend a meeting will join audio-only; if no voice 
ports are available at that time, then those users will not be able to attend.
This number cannot exceed twice the value of the 
Video available ports
Changing the licenses may affect the upper and lower limits for this parameter.
Default: 0
Web Settings
Web licensed ports
Display only. Number of web ports for scheduled and reservationless meetings on the 
system, determined by the installed webconf and maxweb licenses. To view installed and 
enabled licenses, see the 
The value determines the maximum number of possible simultaneous connections to 
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace using the full web meeting room.
Web ports are allocated on an ad-hoc basis and are never reserved for meetings.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace web ports are not used by Cisco WebEx web meetings.
Table 39
Field Reference: Meeting Configuration Page (continued)