Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S690 Betriebsanweisung

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I R O N P O R T   A S Y N C O S   6 . 3   F O R   W E B   U S E R   G U I D E  
Alerts can be sent for the following severities:
• Critical: Requires immediate attention.
• Warning: Problem or error requiring further monitoring and potentially immediate 
• Information: Information generated in the routine functioning of this device.
Alert Settings
Alert settings control the general behavior and configuration of alerts, including:
• The RFC 2822 Header From: when sending alerts (enter an address or use the default 
“alert@<hostname>”). You can also set this via the CLI, using the 
alertconfig -> from
• The initial number of seconds to wait before sending a duplicate alert.
• The maximum number of seconds to wait before sending a duplicate alert.
• The status of AutoSupport (enabled or disabled).
• The sending of AutoSupport’s weekly status reports to alert recipients set to receive System 
alerts at the Information level.
Sending Duplicate Alerts
You can specify the initial number of seconds to wait before AsyncOS will send a duplicate 
alert. If you set this value to 0, duplicate alert summaries are not sent and instead, all 
duplicate alerts are sent without any delay (this can lead to a large amount of email over a 
short amount of time). The number of seconds to wait between sending duplicate alerts (alert 
interval) is increased after each alert is sent. The increase is the number of seconds to wait 
plus twice the last interval. So a 5 second wait would have alerts sent at 5 seconds, 15, 
seconds, 35 seconds, 75 seconds, 155 seconds, 315 seconds, etc.
Eventually, the interval could become quite large. You can set a cap on the number of seconds 
to wait between intervals via the maximum number of seconds to wait before sending a 
duplicate alert field. For example, if you set the initial value to 5 seconds, and the maximum 
Web Proxy
DVS™ and Anti-Malware
L4 Traffic Monitor
Table 22-3 Alert Classifications and Components (Continued)
Alert Classification
Alert Component