Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads Installationsanleitung

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Note: IMPORTANT: Due to integral logging functionality changes between Cisco CVP 3.1
VoiceXML Server and Cisco Unified CVP 4.0 VoiceXML Server, custom classes which
previously used the getLoggingLevel() or setLoggingLevel() methods of the APIBase class will
require minor modifications so that they no longer call these methods. Refer to Chapter 5 of the
VoiceXML Server User Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal for details about the
new logging systems.
Step 10
Deploy all projects (which should now include the newly recompiled components from the
previous step) to the appropriate target Cisco Unified CVP 4.0 VoiceXML Servers.
Note that the voice application deployment process is different in Cisco Unified CVP 4.0 than
it was in Cisco CVP 3.x. In 3.x, the VoiceXML Studio user would select a project and deploy
it to a single target VoiceXML Server. If the user had multiple such targets, the user would
deploy it to each VoiceXML Server in succession. In 4.0, the Operations Console can be used
to “bulk transfer” the project to multiple target CVP VoiceXML Servers in one step. For details
about how to deploy voice applications via the Operations Console, please refer to the “Deploying
VoiceXML Studio Scripts in Unified CVP” section of Chapter 4 in the Configuration and
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal
Step 11
Restore any backed up third party libraries that were discovered during Step 2 to their former
locations. Note that some voice applications may include copies of these libraries as part of
their VoiceXML Studio projects, in which case they may already be present. Minimally, any
libraries backed up from %CVP_HOME%/common/lib and %CVP_HOME%/common/classes
should be restored as these will not have been deployed as part of any Studio projects.
Migrate Cisco CVP 3.x Voice Applications on Development and Runtime Machines
Unified CVP 4.0 VoiceXML Server is capable of running deployed Cisco CVP 3.x voice
applications without first redeploying them from VoiceXML Studio. However, this is not the
preferred upgrade approach since such applications will not have been automatically updated
to use new loggers which allow them to interact with other systems in the Unified CVP
environment (e.g. SNMP and reporting). If redeploying Cisco CVP 3.x applications via the new
version of VoiceXML Studio is not an option, the deployed applications can be copied to
VoiceXML Server as-is. Here are the steps for this process:
Step 1
Copy the deployed Cisco CVP 3.x voice application into Unified CVP 4.0 VoiceXML Server’s
%CVP_HOME%/applications folder.
Step 2
Erase the contents of the voice application’s admin folder
(%CVP_HOME%/applications/APP_NAME/admin, where APP_NAME is the name of the
voice application).
Step 3
Copy the contents of %CVP_HOME%/admin/appScripts to the voice application’s admin folder.
Step 4
Recompile any Java classes used by the voice application with JDK 1.4, and replace the old
class files with these newly compiled ones. Note that Cisco CVP 3.x required JDK 1.3, whereas
Cisco Unified CVP 4.0 requires JDK 1.4.
Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.0(1)
Chapter 7: - Upgrading to Unified CVP Release 4.0
Upgrading Unified CVP Software