Cisco Cisco Packet Data Gateway (PDG) Merkblatt

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▄  Cisco ASR 5x00 Statistics and Counters Reference 
show ipsg statistics 
Table 366. 
show ipsg statistics
 Command Output Descriptions 
Session Stats: 
Total Current 
Total number of current sessions. 
Total Setup 
Total number of sessions setup. 
Total Released 
Total number of sessions released. 
Total Replaced 
Total number of sessions replaced. 
RADIUS Message Statistics: 
Total START Req rcvd 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-Start Request messages received since the last system restart or 
clear command. 
Total START Req 
(Retransmitted) rcvd 
Total number of retransmitted RADIUS Accounting-Start Request messages received. 
Total START Rsp Sent 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-Start Response messages sent by this system. 
Total INTERIM Updt 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-Interim Update messages received. 
Total INTERIM Updt 
Rsp sent 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-Interim Update Response messages sent. 
Total STOP Req rcvd 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-Stop Request messages received. 
Total STOP Rsp sent 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-Stop Response messages sent. 
Total Acct On req rcvd 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-On Request messages received. 
Total Acct On req 
(Retransmitted) rcvd 
Total number of retransmitted RADIUS Accounting-On Request messages received. 
Total Acct On 
Response sent 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-On Response messages sent. 
Total Acct Off Req 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-Off Request messages received. 
Total Acct Off Req 
(Retransmitted) rcvd 
Total number of retransmitted RADIUS Accounting-Off Request messages received. 
Total Acct Off 
Response sent 
Total number of RADIUS Accounting-Off Response messages sent. 
Total ACCESS Req 
Total number of IPSG RADIUS Access-Request messages received.