Cisco Cisco Prime Optical 9.6 Technische Referenzen

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Cisco Prime Optical 9.6.3 ML Provisioning Methodology
CLI Configuration Details
CLI Configuration Details
Note the following CLI conventions:
Notes are reported within brackets ( 
[ ] 
). For example:
Optional commands or parameters are reported within brackets ( [ ] ). For example:
[match any]
Configurable parameters are reported within left and right angle brackets (< >). For example:
Multiple parameters or commands are enclosed within braces ( { } ) and separated by a vertical bar 
( | ). For example:
{parameter_1 | parameter_2 | parameter_3}
Base Card Configuration
The base card configuration is a set of commands entered during the L2 topology creation. The 
parameters are defined in the Create Layer 2 Topology wizard > Layer 2 Topology Bandwidth pane (see 
Prime Optical supports the setting of a single match cos command for each class-map command. If 
another match cos command is present on the card, Prime Optical recognizes this additional match cos 
command incorrectly and displays a null string in the GUI. This additional match cos command must 
be removed during a modify bandwidth operation.