Cisco Headend System Release 2.7

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Chapter 1    Why Choose System Release 2.8? 
4019364 Rev B 
CR 97052: Incorrect Boss Transaction from Web UI 
When a multicast source definition is added from the WUI, the WUI does not check 
the DB for the pre-existing session ID and sends an incorrect Boss Transaction to 
siManager. If the siManager is in the process of regenerating the SI data, the boss 
request is held in the queue. siManager reads and respond to the request only when 
it is done with SI generation. This causes the UI to wait on the response. 
CR 97065: OOB Bridge Library Returns Hub ID Instead of Headend ID 
The hctmConfig process returns the hub ID instead of the headend ID.  The set-top 
boxes appear to function correctly; however, long-term impact and compatibility 
with third-party applications are not yet known. 
CR 97325: CDS Frequencies of 0 Should Not Be Added to the C2 Table in the CDT Section 
The C2 table for CDT should not add entries that have a frequency of 0 to the table. 
This issue causes needless entries in SI tables. 
CR 97326: Disabled QAM Ports Should Not Be Added to the C2 Table in the CDT Section 
The C2 table for CDT should contain entries that have frequencies which correspond 
to disabled QAM ports. This issue causes unnecessary entries in SI. 
CR 97438: Data Pumps Should Catch All Signals and Close the ASI Stream 
An ASI card may enter a bad state if a user resets the ASI card while an ASI stream is 
open. If this occurs, the DNCS must be rebooted.