Cisco Cisco WebEx Social for Mobile Wartungshandbuch

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Exporting Data from Cisco WebEx Social, Release 3.4.2 SR1
  Exported Data Formats
Contains the following fields for each media file that has been 
embedded in the post content:
author—Contains the following fields:
id—Unique identifier of the user who uploaded the media file
screenName—Unique Cisco WebEx Social screen name of 
the user who uploaded the media file
ccsid—Unique identifier of a video file on the Cisco Show and 
Share server
createDate—Date and time that a video file was uploaded, in Java 
long type date format
description—Description of a video file
duration—Duration of a video file, in seconds
fileName—Internal system-assigned name of the media file
id—Unique identifier of the media file
mediaId—Unique identifier of a video file
mimeType—One of the following values, which indicates the type 
of the media file:
IMAGE—Image file
IMAGE_LINK—Link to an image
VIDEO—Video file
VIDEO_LINK—Link to a video file
modifiedDate—Date and time that the media file was updated in 
the system, in Java long type date format
playUri—URI on the Cisco Show and Share server from which to 
play a video file
size—Size of the media file in bytes
tags—Contains the following field for each tag that is associated 
with a video file:
name—Name of the tag
title—Title of a video file
views—Number of times that a video file has been viewed
Table 10
Post Data Export File Record Fields (continued)