Cisco Cisco WebEx Social for Mobile Wartungshandbuch

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Exporting Data from Cisco WebEx Social, Release 3.4.2 SR1
  Exported Data Formats
Contains the following fields for each profile image of the user:
image—Contains the following fields:
id—Unique identifier the image
size—Size in bytes of the image file
published—Date and time that the image file was updated, 
in Java long type date format 
updated—Date and time that the image file was updated, in 
Java long type date format
fileName—Name of the image file
mimeType—Type of the image file, such as JPG or PNG.
uri—Relative path to the image file
height—Height in pixels of the image file
width—Width in pixels of the image file
sizeType—One of the following values, which indicates the 
size of the profile image:
small—24 x 24 pixels
medium1—31 x 31 pixels
medium2—48 x 48 pixels
medium3—64 x 64 pixels
medium4—110 x 110 pixels
large—150 x 150 pixels
Formal job title of the user
Last name of the user
Table 12
User Data Export File Record Fields (continued) 
Field Description