Cisco Cisco StadiumVision Mobile Lizenzinformationen

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included in all copies or substantial portions of Magick++.  
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind,  
express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of  
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and  
noninfringement. In no event shall Bob Friesenhahn be liable for  
any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of  
contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection  
with Magick++ or the use or other dealings in Magick++. 
Before we get to the text of the license, lets just review what the license 
says in simple terms:  
It allows you to:  
  * freely download and use ImageMagick software, in whole or in part, for 
personal, company internal, or commercial purposes;  
  * use ImageMagick software in packages or distributions that you create;  
  * link against a library under a different license;  
  * link code under a different license against a library under this license;  
  * merge code into a work under a different license;  
  * extend patent grants to any code using code under this license;  
  * and extend patent protection.  
It forbids you to:  
  * redistribute any piece of ImageMagick-originated software without proper 
  * use any marks owned by ImageMagick Studio LLC in any way that might state 
or imply that ImageMagick Studio LLC endorses your distribution;  
  * use any marks owned by ImageMagick Studio LLC in any way that might state 
or imply that you created the ImageMagick software in question.  
It requires you to:  
  * include a copy of the license in any redistribution you may make that 
includes ImageMagick software;  
  * provide clear attribution to ImageMagick Studio LLC for any distributions 
that include ImageMagick software.  
It does not require you to:  
  * include the source of the ImageMagick software itself, or of any 
modifications you may have made to it, in any redistribution you may assemble 
that includes it;  
  * submit changes that you make to the software back to the ImageMagick 
Studio LLC (though such feedback is encouraged).  
A few other clarifications include:  
  * ImageMagick is freely available without charge;  
  * you may include ImageMagick on a DVD as long as you comply with the terms 
of the license;  
  * you can give modified code away for free or sell it under the terms of 
the ImageMagick license or distribute the result under a different license, 
but you need to acknowledge the use of the ImageMagick software;