Cisco Cisco Unified Service Monitor 8.6 Weißbuch

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White Paper 
© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. 
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Note:   If Service Monitor is already using Cisco Unified Communications Manager and you are 
changing the cluster name, then you have to delete and re-add the Cisco Unified Communications 
Managers in Service Monitor for it to reflect the new cluster name. 
If Operations Manager is already managing Cisco Unified Communications Manager and you are 
changing the cluster name, then the cluster names in the service-level view will not reflect the new 
cluster name. You have to delete and re-add the Cisco Unified Communications Manager in 
Operations Manager for it reflect the new cluster name. 
Make sure that the Service Monitor server’s hostname is resolvable using Domain Name 
System (DNS). If DNS is not being used, edit the Windows hosts file and enter the Service 
Monitor hostname and IP address. The hosts file is located at 
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to hostnames. Each 
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should 
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding hostname. 
# The IP address and the hostname should be separated by at least one 
# space. 

# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual 
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a “#” symbol. 

# For example: 

#          # source server  Service Monitor    
# add the Service Monitor server IP address and hostname entry into the hosts file if DNS is 
not being used on the network 
Installation Procedures 
If you do not have a license key, then during the installation, select the evaluation version. The 
evaluation version can manage up to 1000 phones for up to 90 days. When the Service Monitor 
license has been acquired, simply upload the license into the Service Monitor. Operations Manager 
and Service Monitor require separate licenses. 
Licensing and Registration the Software 
Licensing grants you permission to manage a certain number of phones. You can enter licenses for 
Service Monitor during installation or add them later. There is a separate license for Service 
Monitor and Operation Managers. 
The uninstallation process may cause a warning message similar to the following to appear: 
The uninstallation is waiting for a process to stop, do you wish to 
continue to wait? 
If you see this message, click Yes and continue to wait.  
It is a good practice to delete the C:\Program Files\CSCOpx folder and then reboot the server after 
the Service Monitor application has been uninstalled from any server. Remember to save any 
Cisco 1040-related call metrics, performance, or node-to-node archived files that you might want to