Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Veröffentlichungshinweis

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Enterprise ICM Dedicated Forest/Domain Model 
Step 27. 
Start AW (Distributor) Services 
Start the Distributor Service within Cisco Service Control.  
Verify that the ICM Processes have no errors: 
Router: UP and synchronized with peer 
Ccagent: [is inservice, but not connected to any peripheral gateways] 
Rtsvr: feed activated to AW 
Logger: connected to its respective database and synchronized with peer. MDS is in 
Replication: connected to AW 
Campaign Manager: [you see errors. No Blended Agent Dialer setup at this time] 
Admin Workstation: 
Updateaw: displays “waiting for new work” 
Iseman: listen thread waiting for client connection 
Replication: replication and recovery client connection initialized 
Cms_jserver: unable to initialise until the configuration is done 
Cmsnode: shutdown in progress..terminating 
Step 28. 
Configure NIC’s, Peripheral Gateways and Peripherals 
Before the ICM Services on the SS7 Gateways, NICs and Peripheral Gateways can be turned-up, you need 
to configure them in the ICM using the NIC and PG Explorer tools. 
Refer to ICM System Design Specification, Connection Parameters Section, ICM Configuration Manager, 
PG Logical Controller ID’s and Peripheral Controller ID’s Table. This table indicates the values and 
settings, which must be established in ICM Configuration and input during ICM setup of each Peripheral 
Gateway node.  
Note: In addition to establishing the PG logical controller ID’s and Peripheral ID’s, you must also 
configure the following in the ICM Configuration tool: 
On the Call Manager PG, enter the name for the Agent Desk Settings 
On the IPIVR PG, enter the name for the Network Type 2 VRU (also need to configure the Network 
On the Media Routing PG, enter the name for an additional Network Type 2 VRU (also configure the 
Network VRU) 
In order to properly run ICM Setup for the NICs and PG’s, you need to plan the Logical and Peripheral ID 
numbers, as they are required data elements to complete the Setup program. The ICM automatically 
generates ID numbers from the Explorer tools, so you need to set them up in the Explorers in the exact 
order they were planned in the ICM System Design Specification. 
If the ID numbers are not generated in the proper sequence, you can correct them in the Peripheral 
Gateway machines by re-running Setup locally. They must match the value in the ICM configuration 
database to the value in the PG’s registry, or the ICM CallRouter rejects the connection request. 
Additionally, if the customer plans to use agent level reporting, you need to set this up after the Peripheral 
is created in the ICM configuration database. Use the Agent Distribution Tool on the Admin Workstation 
to point the specific Peripheral (ACD that generates the agent stats) to the Admin Workstation’s  “Admin 
Site Name” for the AW that stores the real-time agent level reporting data. Also, you must set the 
Peripheral to enable “Agent Reporting” on the “Agent” tab in PG Explorer. 
You must set up Agent Level Reporting for each peripheral and they can all point to a central 
AW/WebView server to allow for sharing of the stats. However, a peripheral can only point to one AW. 
Step 29. 
Configure Multi-Media Nodes 
Refer to ICM System Design Specification, Connection Parameters Section, ICM Configuration Manager, 
Media Routing Domains Table and Application Instance List Table. 
Release 6.0(0) Staging on Windows 2000