Access virus os4 Benutzerhandbuch

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The reason for this effect is that 
when you turn the FILTER BALANCE 
pot to the far left, only Filter-1 is 
audible. When you rotate the pot 
to the right, Filter-2 is blended in so 
that it follows Filter-1 in the signal 
chain. When you turn the FILTER 
 pot clockwise, Filter-1 is 
blended out of the signal chain 
until at the far right position only 
Filter-2 is active and audible.
Each filter in the Virus normally 
features 2 poles. However in the 
 ROUTING operating mode 
SER 6, Filter-1 operates with 4 
poles, so the signal patched 
through Filter-1 (FILTER BALANCE to 
the far left) is trimmed more dras-
tically than when it is routed 
through Filter-2 (FILTER BALANCE to 
the far right). When you set the FIL-
 BALANCE pot to the center 
position (12 o’clock) - as we men-
tioned before - the two filters are 
routed in series, which means they 
respond as if they were a single fil-
ter with 6 poles and consequently 
a great deal of slope. This is why 
the input signal is trimmed sub-
stantially when you set the pot to 
this position. 
Experiment with the diverse FILTER 
 positions to get a feel for 
the different degrees of slope. 
Rotate the CUTOFF pot or activate 
the filter envelope (for both fil-
ters!) to hear the filters in action.
The CUTOFF 2 pot is a special fea-
ture: It controls the cutoff fre-
quency of the second filter, but is 
subordinate to the CUTOFF pot 
located above it. In other words, at 
the center position (12 o’clock) the 
manually selected frequency of Fil-
ter-2 is identical to that of Filter-1. 
When you rotate the pot to the left 
the cutoff frequency level of Filter-
2 is increased relatively to Filter-1, 
when you turn to pot to the right 
the cutoff frequency level is 
decreased relatively. Now when 
you adjust the CUTOFF pot, you 
adjust the cutoff frequency of both 
filters by the same measure! This 
feature lets you determine a differ-
ence in values in the filter frequen-
cies (called an offset) via the 
2 pot which remains con-
stant whenever you adjust the 