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ly to reflect the current SEND value of the
phaser. To avoid unwanted value jumps in
these parameters, you can activate the Show
All option and make your adjustments from
within the menu instead.
Lets you adjust the contrast of the LC display to
different light conditions and viewing angles.
 LCDContrast  64≤   
-  IRELATIV  Alle modalen Regler (das sind die,
die beispielsweise zwischen den verschiede-
nen LFOs oder Oszillatoren umgeschaltet
werden) arbeiten in der RELATIVE-Betriebsart
(siehe unten), die restlichen in der JUMP-Be-
triebsart. (Siehe dazu die Erläuterung zur iS-
Provides a selection of several knob operating
modes which you can activate depending on
personal preference or suitability to the tasks
you currently dealing with:
-  OFF  All controls except MASTER VOLUME
are deactivated.
-  JUMP  Any movement of controls updates
the data immediately; the parameter sudden-
ly “jumps” to the value corresponding to the
new position.
-  SNAP  Moving a control has no audible effect
until after the original value has been passed
through – this is useful to prevent sudden
changes in the sound while turning a knob.
Im SNAP-Mode tritt rechts neben der Zahl ein
®-symbol hinzu, das anzeigt, in welche Rich-
tung der VALUE-Regler gedreht werden
muss, um den aktuellen Parameterwert zu
-  ISNAP  The modal controls (for instance
those whose functions apply to one oscillator
or LFO at a time) will be in SNAP mode,
whereas all the others will be in JUMP mode.
The iSNAP mode is useful for preventing sud-
den changes in value after switching over to a
different oscillator or LFO etc.
-  IRELATIV  The modal controls (for instance
those whose functions apply to one oscillator
or LFO at a time) will be in RELATIVE mode,
whereas all the others will be in JUMP mode.
 KnobMode   Jump≤   
In an active menu, SYSTEM KNOB DISPLAY
offers different display option for parameters
that have knobs assigned to them:
-  OFF  Knob movements are not displayed; the
current contents of the display remain intact
when you turn a knob.
-  SHORT  When you turn a knob, the current
contents  of the lower display line are briefly
overwritten by data representing the change
in parameter value; once the action is com-
pleted, the original contents reappear in the
lower display line.
-  LONG  Same as SHORT, except that - you
guessed it - the display shows the knob data
for a longer period of time.