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Tips and tricks
patch just the pure effect signal of a MULTI Part
through as you would it you were using a con-
ventional dry/wet effect knob.
 EffectSend    73≤   
The DELAY/REVERB Output Select function
lets you send the DELAY/REVERB section’s
output signal to any mono or stereo outputs. If
you patch the DELAY/REVERB signal to a virtu-
al aux bus, it can be processed further by
means of a MULTI Part that taps into this aux
bus (INPUT Select), and even routed back into
the into the DELAY or REVERB via the same
PART’s effect send loop, which generates feed-
back. With this feedback circuit, you can filter
and trigger the DELAY/REVERB signal, modu-
late its volume and even lay chorus over it.
When you’re working with feedback, be sure to
keep a watchful eye on the signal level. The DE-
LAY/REVERB section’s level can easily rise to
an intolerable volume (e.g. when the level is
cranked up by a filter resonance) when the
amount of feedback that you have dialed in is
too great.
You’re free to install the VIRUS into your studio
environment and use it as an effect device or
signal processor. For example, simply connect
its external inputs to any available aux send bus
or effect send on your mixer or to the individual
outputs of a sampler or other sound generator.
This setup lets you mix sundry signals outside
the VIRUS and patch the mixed signals into the
VIRUS for further processing.
SECOND OUTPUT Balance lets you create a
separate mix in the VIRUS itself. This signal
may then be patched out via the selected out-
put (SECOND OUTPUT Select) to a mixer or di-
rectly to a connected effect device, where it can
be processed further.
Alternatively, this mix can also be routed to an-
other PART of the VIRUS, where, for example, it
can be filtered or distorted. For this purpose, be
sure to select the same aux bus for SECOND
OUTPUT Select and for the INPUT Select of the
given PART.
This function of the VIRUS is a special delicacy.
It really upgrades the process of filtering (or any
other processing) of an external audio signal.
What we have here is a so called Envelope Fol-
lower that can evaluate the volume envelope of
an external audio signal with a selectable speed
or inertia and then creates an appropriate mod-
ulation signal. This signal can be used to control
any VIRUS parameter via the Modulation Ma-
trix. In UNISON Mode the Envelope Follower
works in true stereo, you can find the parame-
ters in the effects menu under INPUT. One ex-
ample for its application: A drumloop serves as
the external signal; the Envelope Follower con-