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Oscillator (Edit-Menu)
Determines the cutoff frequency of Filter-1 and
2 (with exceptions; see CUTOFF 2).
Controls the resonance (also called filter feed-
back or Q factor). Depending on the FILT SE-
LECT setting, RESONANCE affects the first
filter, the second filter or both filters.
Determines the modulation intensity of the cut-
off frequency filter envelope. Depending on the
FILT SELECT setting, ENV AMOUNT affects the
first filter, the second filter or both filters. In con-
trast to virtually all other modulation intensity
parameters in the VIRUS, ENV AMOUNT is a
unipolar parameter. The polarity of the modula-
tion can be changed individually for each filter
via the ENV POLARITY function in the FILTER
EDIT menu.
Has different functions depending on the FIL-
TER ROUTING setting (see appropriate section
as well): In the parallel FILTER ROUTING oper-
ating modes PAR 4 and SPLIT, it controls the
balance of volume levels between the two filters
- or in actuality SATURATION and Filter-2.
Technically, in the serial FILTER ROUTING oper-
ating modes SER 4 and SER 6, the left half and
the right half of the control range address differ-
ent parameters: When the knob is set to the far
left position, you will hear Filter-1/Saturation ex-
clusively, whereas Filter-2 is blended into the
mix as you rotate the knob towards the center
position. When the knob is set to the far right
position, you will hear Filter-2 exclusively,
whereas Filter-1/Saturation is blended into the
mix as you rotate the knob towards the center
Consequently, you must set FILTER BALANCE
to the center position if you want both filters in
series (in equal amounts) in the signal path.
Controls the cutoff frequency of Filter-2. Nor-
mally, CUTOFF 2 does not operate absolutely,
but relatively to CUTOFF: The cutoff frequency
of the second filter is subordinate to the CUT-
OFF value you determined for the first filter.
However you can use the CUTOFF 2 knob to
dial in a relative +/- deviation in frequencies, i.e.
a higher or lower frequency (OFFSET). When
you set CUTOFF 2 to the center position, both
filters have the same CUTOFF frequency. In
FILTER EDIT Menu, you can access CUTOFF
LINK ON/OFF to sever the link between CUT-
OFF and CUTOFF 2. In this case the two knobs
CUTOFF and CUTOFF 2 are independent cutoff
controls for Filters 1 and 2, respectively.