Access os5 Benutzerhandbuch

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using the channel of the currently selected track
instead. This way you will hear the same sound
during recording and playback.
If you want to use the Virus as a master key-
board, you should set the parameter "KEY-
BOARD Local" in the SYSTEM menu to "Off".
This cuts the internal connection between the
Virus keyboard and its sound generation circuit-
ry so they are only connected via the MIDI ca-
bles to and from the sequencer. This prevents
the Virus from receiving the same MIDI data
twice – directly from the keyboard and via the
sequencer. You can address different Parts in
the Multi program by simply changing the active
track in the sequencer.
Every sequencer is able to send MIDI Clock. If
the CLOCK parameters in the Virus arpeggia-
tors, LFOs and Delay are set accordingly, they
will automatically synchronize to MIDI clock
(and thus to the song tempo) sent by the se-
Virtually all parameters of the VIRUS are acces-
sible via MIDI so that, for example, you can ma-
nipulate knobs and buttons and record these
movements to a sequencer. You may then route
these commands back to the VIRUS, which will
respond to these automated instructions auto-
matically. MIDI controllers have proven effective
for this external control option since these com-
mands – in contrast to system exclusive data –
are transported very swiftly. Beyond that,
they’re easy to edit graphically in all standard
sequencer programs.
In order to be able to record the movements of
knobs and status changes of buttons on the VI-
RUS to a sequencer, you must connect the
MIDI Out of the VIRUS to the MIDI In of the
computer or sequencer. You also have to ena-
ble reception of MIDI controllers and MIDI poly-
pressure commands in the sequencer so that
this data is not subject to one-sided filtering.
Whenever appropriate, you also have to enable
reception of this automation data on the VIRUS.
To this end, go to the Cntrl menu and take a
look at the MIDI parameters. You’ll find a pa-
rameter called Panel that offers the options In-
ternal, Internal+Midi and MIDI. This is where
you determine the destination to which the
knobs and buttons send their data. Inter nal
means that the knobs and buttons send data
exclusively to the sound generator and not to
MIDI. Therefore, select Internal+Midi or MIDI so
that data is sent to the sequencer via MIDI.
Note that the MIDI option disconnects the
knobs and buttons from the VIRUS’ internal
sound generation system. When this setting is
enabled, data generated by knobs and buttons
is only acknowledged by the VIRUS when it is
routed back in a roundabout way via the com-
puter/sequencer (the VIRUS must be selected
as a track instrument in the sequencer and the
”Thru” function of the sequencer must be acti-
Now scroll to the two parameters called LoPage
and HiPage: LoPage should be set to Contr
(MIDI controller), HiPage to PolyPrs (MIDI poly-
pressure). There are only 128 controller num-
b e r s   p e r   M I D I   c h a n n e l ,   s o   t h a t   n o t   a l l
parameters of a VIRUS PART can be covered
by controllers. On the VIRUS, this problem was